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What is the ReShape ® Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedure?

If you are overweight and have been greatly struggling with weight loss for an extended amount of time, you may be a candidate for the ReShape® Non-surgical weight loss procedure. This highly effective weight loss tool was first introduced in America in 2015 after becoming the first dual gastric balloon approved by the FDA for treating obesity.

This breakthrough treatment is an entirely new way of losing weight and adapting to healthy lifestyle skills for those people who suffer from obesity who have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 – 40 while also displaying one co-morbidity symptom, and doesn’t jump up and down at the thought of wanting to go under the knife to ‘shed the weight.’

For this group of people, exercise and a healthy diet may not be sufficient enough for their desired weight loss. This is where the ReShape® Integrated Dual Balloon System comes in, as it is used in combination by medical and nutrition professionals to help those that have repeatedly tried all the ‘normal methods’ to shed the weight, but without any substantial success.

The ReShape ® Program Is Comprehensive

The entire program lasts 12 months and includes a short outpatient procedure. During this non-surgical procedure, the physician will place two connected balloons into the patients stomach (they are saline-filled). These balloons will remain in place for a period of six months; during which time the physician and other professionals work with the patient to equip them with the powerful tools and nutritional counseling necessary to help them reach their weight loss goals, and keep the weight off for the rest of their lifetime. After the first six month period, the balloons are removed with ease, and the rest of the tools and support from the professionals continue to help the patient achieve maximum weight loss and self-satisfaction.

How It Works

Since the two balloons hold up to 900 cc in saline solution, they fill the gastric area more than comparable single balloon devices. End result is the patient feels fuller sooner, thus eating less. The dual balloon system was created to mimic the stomach’s natural curvature, so it fits easily to conform in the anatomy of the patient, aiding in tolerability of the device. In regards of the patient’s overall safety, the balloons are independently sealed for quality measures, and in the rare event one balloon starts leaking or deflating, risk of obstruction or migration is minimal due to their unique design. The dual gastric balloon technology was designed and developed to maximize the results of the patient, while improving their experience.

Phenomenal Life Results

In the data results released from ReShape® last November, one patient reported losing 81 pounds in the year. Another patient reported losing 50 pounds in 5 short months! Both said they had more energy, better quality of life, and feelings of renewed health.

First 100 Patients – Results

An announcement was made by the company in November 2016 announcing the latest results of the ReShape® non-surgical weight loss procedure since the FDA approval took place allowing it to be performed in commercial settings. In comparison to the data released from clinical trials, the results from the first 100 patients who received the ReShape® Integrated Dual Balloon System showed a 77% higher weight loss than the clinical group. Those first 100 ReShape® commercial patients lost an average of nearly 30 pounds during the six month period. That translates into about an average 1.25 pound weight loss on a weekly basis for the six-month time frame following the ReShape® Non-Surgical weight loss procedure. So, how does it work? Phenomenally!

Plastic Surgery (Cosmetic Surgery) in Jacksonville & Fleming Island, FL

Meet the Doctor

Timothy E. Fee, MD, FACS
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Fee is a board-certified plastic surgeon serving patients in Jacksonville and the surrounding communities. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the largest and most prestigious organization of plastic surgeon in the United States. A former President of the Greater Jacksonville Society of Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Fee has published and participated in several peer reviewed journals.

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